The Natural Gola della Rossa and Frasassi Park
The Gola della Rossa Regional and Frasassi Park is, a natural uncontaminated and protected oasis, extending over a large area of over 10,000 hectares of flora and fauna.
It was inaugurated in 1997 and houses three different naturalistic biotypes: the Gola di Frasassi, the Gola della Rossa and Valle Scappuccia. What you will find here is the result of a geological evolution of the land that began millions of years ago, when a rapid increase in orogenetic lifting intensified the erosive force of the streams, thus bringing the massive, compact and rigid limestone into light, which you can see in the impressive vertical masses.

The Gola di Frasassi
In the Gola di Frasassi you can see how the meteoric and groundwater has penetrated deep into the rock and transformed the land, creating complex highly articulated karst systems, thus granting extraordinary environmental-landscape value to the land, as seen in the astonishing Frasassi Caves.
The Gola della Rossa
When going through the Gola della Rossa, you will see that its large karst cavities are similar to those of Gola di Frasassi. One of these cavities is the Grotta del Vernino, where many interesting fossils of mammals such as those of the cave bear, have been found. With a bit of luck, you may be able to see the majestic Golden Eagle in flight, observe the elusive Eagle Owl and the Peregrine Falcon.

The Valle Scappuccia
In The Valle Scappuccia, you can cross the Scappuccia creek that forms a rather narrow and winding gorge, and discover environments which are very diverse in vegetation and in natural events, due to exposure, altitude, and to the presence of water.
The land is also home to wildcats, wolves, porcupines, and tens of various species of bats that dwell in the numerous underground cavities, however they can be difficult to come across.