The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has ascertained a cause and effect relationship between the daily water intake and the maintenance of normal physical and cognitive functions. The document considers that a loss of body water equal to approximately 1% is normally compensated within 24 hours and that the absence of such compensation and the further increase in body water loss compromise physical and cognitive functions. It is also clear that water plays a particularly important role in thermoregulation. In sporting activity, therefore, hydration must be kept under control, carefully.
Acqua Frasassi per lo sport
Consigli per l'idratazione dello sportivo
The importance of hydration

Weight loss is likely to result from fluid loss so drinking enough to replenish those fluid losses will maintain proper hydration. A loss of more than 1% of body weight already indicates dehydration while more than 5% indicates serious dehydration. Here are the reference values:
% of Body Weight |
Well hydrated: -1 to + 1% |
Minimum dehydration: -1 to -3% |
Significant dehydration: -3 to -5% |
Severe dehydration> -5% |
Sport is good for you
Practicing sports activities is good for the body, mind and spirit. Everyone can find the sport they like best, whether it's taking a walk along the river, going to the mountains, taking a bike ride or a game of soccer with office colleagues. So if you are an active person, congratulations keep it up. If you are lazy try it and you will not regret it, you will immediately see benefits for the body and for health
Sport is discipline
But not only that, it improves mood, character and allows you to make new friends. Sport also teaches to respect the rules, as it must be practiced with responsibility towards oneself and others, following the principles of loyalty and collaboration

Frasassi Water and Sports
We here at Frasassi believe that sports play an important role in one’s psychological-physical development, this is why we want to support those who practice them. Thanks to our support along with their dedication, sport enthusiasts will be able to reach increasingly higher goals.
The teams we sponsor:
Sir Volley Perugia 🡪 Sponsor
Parma Calcio 🡪 Istitutional Partner
Astana (Road Cycling Team) 🡪 Sponsor
Janus basket Fabriano 🡪 Sponsor