This phrase perfectly summarizes our dedication towards the future, which we would like to share with you.
We believe that all together we will be able to better our future as well as that of our children, by adopting conducts based on awareness and responsibility.
Our dedication alone cannot be enough to improve things, it is for this reason that the sentence we have selected holds an invitation to share with you
an important project aimed at safeguarding the planet.
We have chosen RePet at 50%, and we are working on improving the usage parameters
of plastic thanks to specific research projects
Our Manifesto
Responsibly Thinking Towards the Future
The story of a Family and a Territory
Ours is the story of an Italian family business, rooted in its land.
We still remain a family business today, and this is what allows us
to stay people oriented, while directing all of our attention towards
our company’s future and the environment in which we operate.

A Journey that began Millions of Years Ago
Frasassi water surfaces rising from the fractures of the Scaglia Rossa, an ancient rock formed millions of years ago. Geological evolution has given origin to the Mount Frasassi mountain ridge, where the incessant
‘action’ of water has carved out the engraved Gorges and the extraordinary Frasassi Caves.
A land where, thanks to the safeguarding of The Gola Natural Park, The Rossa and Frasassi,
the purity and naturalness of the Frasassi waters is kept unchanged.
The news from Frasassi's world

Acqua Frasassi sponsor della Coppa Italia Superlega della Lega Pallavolo Serie A)

Frasassi's friends
Tempio del Valadier: un luogo di inestimabile bellezza)

Frasassi's friends
Le Grotte di Frasassi: viaggio al centro della terra