The Territory
A journey that began millions of years ago
Frasassi water emerges from the Scaglia Rossa, an ancient rock formed tens of millions of years ago.
The geological evolution has given rise to the mountain ridge of Monte di Frasassi where the incessant
action of the waters has carved the engraved gorges and the extraordinary caves of Frasassi.
A territory that, thanks to the protection of the Gola della Rossa and Frasassi Natural Park, maintains
the purity and naturalness of Frasassi water intact.

The Gola della Rossa Regional and Frasassi Park
We are proud to invite you to discover this jewel of biodiversity. We could tell you all about it, but seeing it for yourself would undoubtedly be a more emotional experience. It was inaugurated in 1997 and houses three different naturalistic biotypes:the Gola di Frasassi, theGola della Rossa and Valle Scappuccia.
Uncontaminated Nature
The Frasassi spring draws its essence and absolute uniqueness from the purity of uncontaminated nature, from the slow filtration of the calcareous rocks and from the geological evolution that has been going on for several millenniums. In every sip, suggestive elements enchant and portray a beautiful and natural experience. A mix of beauty and nature.

Jewel of Biodiversity
The Gola della Rossa Regional and Frasassi Park is, in fact, a natural uncontaminated and protected oasis, extending over a large area of over 10,000 hectares of flora and fauna.
Focus of history
If you like walking, if you love hiking, you can find 35 marked trails, for a total of over 170 km, of varying length and various levels of difficulty. Some are touristic, others for expert hikers and adventure lovers. In each path you will be able to admire the gold-faunal riches typical of this pre-Apennine environment. It is worth taking a detailed guide and following the signs.

Sono un posto magico che vale la pena di visitare. Le Grotte di Frasassi, sono uno spettacolo realizzato dalla natura, grazie all’incontro dell’acqua con la roccia, iniziato circa 190 milioni di anni fa. Sono il frutto dell’evoluzione geologica che l’incessante azione dell’acqua ha contribuito a creare insieme alle incise Forre, dando così origine alla dorsale montuosa del Monte di Frasassi.